I’ve done all of the exercise. All of it. I grew up with a father who, to this day, is devoted to his exercise routine. I’ve watched him consistently lace up his sneakers and drift away, and do sit-ups and stretches, with zero excuses. No matter how tired, hungry or how many tequilas he had […]
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Many of us are out of touch with a significant, innate human mechanism: physical hunger. We eat out of boredom, sadness, pressure, confusion, because it’s there, to clean our plate, because we want to procrastinate, because we can’t deal with life, because our problems seem insurmountable; so it’s just easier to eat. The reasons we […]
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A life remote-control is on my Christmas list. I want pause, rewind, and power off. Fast forward is one I seem to have achieved already, though; states where time has mysteriously been deleted from reality. If you’re reading, maybe you’ve gone through it, too. Specifically, with a plate of delicious food. For those of us […]
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I turned 30 this past September 10. I was in Mykonos, Greece with my parents and sister (my mom’s not in the above photo, obviously). I always thought I’d be some real and super adult-y person when I reached this number. But the truth is, I am still the same silly person in a body […]
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So. This might seem counterintuitive. Are you like, whoa, seriously, crazy lady? I’m supposed to eat what I want when I’m trying to become a mindful eater? Wouldn’t that mean that I’d be eating ice cream & chocolate brownies all day long in bed? Maybe. But you’d soon find out that you don’t like […]
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(This post is long. Bare with me. I’ve included a synopsis of my past Whole30s.) Why did we do it? A little back story. This Whole30 was a necessary intervention for me. I was coming off of one year of new-relationship bliss and was (and still am) very much in love. But I had not […]
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Get customized nutrition through Ashley's signature nutrition framework, Intuitive Macros. It won't be the first nutrition program you've ever done, but it will certainly be your last.
Being healthy starts with learning to cook simple foods in easy, delicious ways with approachable and practical recipes and techniques.
Our health begins with properly nourishing our bodies with nutrient-dense foods. I believe in bio-individuality: each person requires different types and amounts of food to feel their best. Learn how to eat intuitively for the rest of your life!