I know I’m always saying simplicity is best and blah blah blah, but I am obsessed with condiments. Ooooobsessed. My fridge door is laden with them. I love ketchup and I don’t care how gross that makes me seem, ketchup is a amazing. When I’m hungover I just want piles of ketchup. Food is an […]

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I lose stuff daily. Mostly mundane things like socks or bobby pins or spatulas. Sometimes, I lose my mind. Normal. But for the past year and a half, I lost the most important thing in my life: my breath. I forgot what it was like to truly be. here. now. In the moment. To soak […]

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Disclaimer: spaghetti squash is not spaghetti. People tout this vegetable as being an adequate substitute for pasta but that’s an absurd reach. Pasta’s luxuriousness is capable of putting pause onto the world. Substitutes don’t exist; besides other varieties of pasta. However, spaghetti squash is delectable and a wonderful nest for ragus, proteins, sauces, and other […]

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I really must have been a baby at some point because I could eat pureed food exclusively for the rest of my life. That’s really not a joke. Well, duh, I was a baby (I’ve seen pictures and my parents tell me), but it’s not a joke that I could live off of purees, and […]

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Some combinations are obvious. Things like chocolate and peanut butter or almonds and strawberries or salt and pepper. A best friend and you, a vacation and a margarita, a slow walk with serious introspection. Peas and carrots. The less obvious combinations might be harder to discover but that shouldn’t discount the intensity of their synchronicity. […]

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Fall is my favorite season for all of the boring reasons. I love being warm and snuggly, I would have the smell of mulling spices glued to my lip if it didn’t look like a weird mustache, and I am head over heels for squash, brussels sprouts, and cranberries. But the real clincher for me, […]

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Being healthy starts with learning to cook simple foods in easy, delicious ways with approachable and practical recipes and techniques.

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Our health begins with properly nourishing our bodies with nutrient-dense foods. I believe in bio-individuality: each person requires different types and amounts of food to feel their best. Learn how to eat intuitively for the rest of your life!

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