Some people can take a bite of refined sugar, forget about it, and move on with their life. I am not one of these people. This past weekend, I went shopping with my mom at Target and she bought a bag of Lindt truffles (little spheres of smooth non-gluten-free bliss) on the fly. As we […]

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For the past 15 months, I’ve taken charge of my health through lifestyle choices. 80ofoods I used to rely on and love are gone, and it’s been way harder than I pictured. It’s the reason I no longer maniacally post my recipes and thoughts on here; I’ve sadly neglected my beloved and much-asked-about little corner […]

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1:1 & group coaching
with intuitive macros

Get customized nutrition through Ashley's signature nutrition framework, Intuitive Macros. It won't be the first nutrition program you've ever done, but it will certainly be your last.

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1:1 & group coaching
for online business

Being healthy starts with learning to cook simple foods in easy, delicious ways with approachable and practical recipes and techniques.

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Our health begins with properly nourishing our bodies with nutrient-dense foods. I believe in bio-individuality: each person requires different types and amounts of food to feel their best. Learn how to eat intuitively for the rest of your life!

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For daily inspiration, follow: @ashleykpardo