Spring loves to gloat about its mostly green, crisp vegetables, doesn’t it? It’s primetime for vegetables like artichokes, snap peas, peas, radishes, and my personal favorite, asparagus. I’ll gladly pay the pee price for them. Consuming these vegetables during spring vs. non-spring isn’t in the same galaxy. Although asparagus is available year round, the fat […]

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I have a client whose taste in food mirrors mine. She loves fresh, seasonal cuisine that runs rampant in California and Italy. The type that erupts with color, taste, and variety. Huge, family-style plates overflowing with different high quality meats, fruits, vegetables, and cheeses are her jam. Mine, too. I would characterize this taste as […]

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Pesto is a love language and everyone wants to be spoken to. It’s the safety net, the comfort favorite, and the ultimate go-to. If I’m cooking for people whose taste buds I don’t know, or am feeling weary about serving something “interesting” or “different”, I do not take the road less traveled by. I take the […]

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Some people despise salmon. They’re so grossed out by it, a whiff makes a mini panic attack arise. They think it’s too overpowering in its fishy taste. I am not one of these people. I eat salmon several times per week but honestly, I would eat it three times per day if it wouldn’t cost […]

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I was introduced to ghee by my obsession with Indian food. Since it doesn’t include dairy products, butter cannot be used. Bummer, because the luxurious flavor of butter is irreplaceable. BUT. If you heat the butter and simmer it, all of the milk fat floats to the top and can be skimmed off or strained […]

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I don’t care who you are or what diet you follow, you like fajitas. I’m a Pavlovian victim to the sound of the sizzle. Seeing that cackling cast iron skillet of smoke emerge before me and getting hit with palpable waves of acid, spice, and onion is quintessentially fajita. Oh, the drama. Oh, the fun […]

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Being healthy starts with learning to cook simple foods in easy, delicious ways with approachable and practical recipes and techniques.

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Our health begins with properly nourishing our bodies with nutrient-dense foods. I believe in bio-individuality: each person requires different types and amounts of food to feel their best. Learn how to eat intuitively for the rest of your life!

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