Yesterday, I posted about how to approach the holidays. I hope you gathered that I think you should eat some stuff you don’t normally eat, because DUH. You have to. It’s the holidays. This isn’t the time for a Whole30. Or a diet. Actually, it’s never time for a diet. This is the time to give yourself some grace, relax, and have ZERO GUILT about anything you eat.
I’ve spoken about how foods fall into two categories for me: worth it and not worth it. It’s a constant evaluation. This happens especially around holiday time. Because in my family, the holidays are studded with tons of special food. Because my entire family is obsessive about making everything from scratch. Nothing comes from a box or is premade. That’s considered an abomination. One time, someone brought a grocery store pie to our Thanksgiving, and my family members were aghast: “IT’S STORE BOUGHT, AND IT’S HERE!?” I get that people don’t have time to make stuff, but around here, it’s just the way it is. It’s how I grew up and it’s my norm. I’m no elitist, because I do still eat Lucky Charms on a weekly basis, but the holidays are a time when it’s extra special and yes, everything should be made from scratch and with heaping helpings of love.
One of the most worth it foods for me is this cranberry sauce that my Godmother makes every Thanksgiving. It’s, hands down, my favorite thing to eat at this time. I’ll even take it over potatoes, it’s THAT good. It’s more of a chutney, because it has tons of texture and spices and complex flavor. This is not your jarred cranberry sauce.
This is also NOT a health food. This recipe has a shocking amount of sugar, but since I only eat it a twice a year (my Godmother also makes it for Christmas), I am NOT eating some sugar-free, paleo-ified sorry excuse for a cranberry sauce. I am eating the real thing.
And this is as real as it gets. I know it’s only two days before Thanksgiving, but I hope this recipe can become a permanent fixture in your arsenal of super worth it holiday foods, too.
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Being healthy starts with learning to cook simple foods in easy, delicious ways with approachable and practical recipes and techniques.
Our health begins with properly nourishing our bodies with nutrient-dense foods. I believe in bio-individuality: each person requires different types and amounts of food to feel their best. Learn how to eat intuitively for the rest of your life!
Hey sweetheart great article. This year we will miss Pamela’s cranberry sauce.
I did not know you ate Lucky Charms everyday, I used to eat Sugar Frosted Flakes or Fruit Loops. It has been years since I ate cereal
Love Dad